
2023 in Review

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At the start of this year, I opened a channel in my friend group’s discord server where everyone could dump anything silly, interesting or of the moment. This way, we’d be able to actually remember the minor aspects of this year by the end. Almost everything in here is from that project, ordered by theme instead of chronologically. I measured things by „what I found interesting and what might still or again be interesting to me in 3 years“ instead of actual relevancy to the world.

While the majority of things in this post are from 2023, our qualifying measure is „did we see it this year“ so don’t be surprised to see a few things from several years back.

Take some time, maybe take a break in between. This wasn’t written in one session and, including all the links, can’t be read in one either.

1. Media

We’ll start with things I enjoyed! Also see previous post on this topic to be aware of my unusual standards.

Note that my previous post is scaled for a long-term perspective. This look back considers this year. Basically any review by anyone automatically has recency bias, if not done with a long-term perspective. I already know that if I looked back at this list in 4 years, my ratings on some of these titles would be lowered. Some would stand the test of time though, so neither I nor you can just blanket-deduct 20% off everything and assume that’s the actually accurate number.

Game: Terraformers 10/10

This little mars-population game makes no mistakes and hits all the goals it set out for, which qualifies it for the 10/10. It’s a pleasant, easy to handle experience with very good UI that spent its development resources exactly where they were supposed to go – there are barely any 3D graphics, but that’s fine! What I want is to see the planet turn green and to have any visual of the animals spread to mars at all. The first few goals are short missions after which you start with a „fresh“ mars, having unlocked new buildings, leaders and life to put on the planet.

I found myself easily and happily returning to this game until I had wrung the last bit of newness out of it. It wins very obviously against Per Aspera and even the very relaxing and Tropico-like Surviving Mars doesn’t hold a candle to it for me. Only complaint: Considering how queer about 40% of the leaders look, the game insists that all of them are he or she? Pfft, as if.

Game: Chants of Senaar 9/10

This short, accessible game is Obra Dinn for linguists. You don’t know what anyone is saying, but you can still see their body language and the context in which they speak, so you make educated guesses. The game lets you confirm your guesses throughout so you won’t be completely in the dark.

It has some moments of annoying „ugh, where does the game expect me to go right now?“ with walking back and forth uselessly, but that’s the only reason I took off a point. The gameplay is fresh, it’s short, cheap and nice – this is otherwise everything I demand of a game.

Game: Cassette Beasts 8/10

The words „Pokémon, but good“ are not a sufficient pitch for this, because Pokémon has become so bad that anyone in the know will assume „Ah, so it’s not a 3/10 but like a 5/10“. But no, listen! This tiny indie studio has put everything in this game that’s good and has removed everything that’s bad. There isn’t enough space to cover it all here. Without writing a full-length article about this, I can only give you a vague idea.

They are telling a more interesting story with far fewer words. It’s a genuinely open world. You level the trainers instead of the not-Pokémon, so you can swap them out easily. The type chart makes instinctual sense. The not-Pokémon are actually funny little guys. The leveling curve is adequate, so you actually experience challenging at-level boss fights and arenas all the time. The game already has a randomizer NG+ mode and will get a coop multiplayer. They are going above and beyond, while one of the most successful brands in the world puts out some of the most „you will buy literally any slop we put in front of you so why bother“ dogfood.

Game: Spin Rhythm XD 7/10

It’s been almost 10 years since the end of the Rock Band era and I am basically a desiccated husk, desperately hoping for ANY good music games. All we got were shitty mobile games that set their notation to the lyrics (do NOT DO THAT!) or were designed by Japanese designers (which is to say, their only relevant difficult setting begins at Ultrademon Killslayer and if you can’t do that without a hitch, play something else).

Spin Rhythm first entered my awareness as a shitty mobile game (don’t bother, the pay model makes it trash). But then they probably thought: Hey what if we just made that cash cow where you can watch an ad if you miss 3 notes into a normal, real game? XD is the result. It’s good and not bullshit. It is also filled with exclusively EDM stuff, of which not a single song has entered my private music rotation (where Rock Band usually managed to endear me to a dozen of their songs). This is not to hate on their song selection, there are some very good choices (I especially love this one which, during the breakdown, hit me almost as much as cbat). You just have to be more into this genre than I am for the playlist to have lasting appeal.

If you, like me, are desperate for literally any interesting core music game experience, Spin Rhythm XD for not-your-phone is basically the only even remotely good option out there in the last almost-decade. (Btw I recommend immediately setting the controls to Click for Tap and Space for Beat).

(This is a fan-made trailer. The music is not from the show and a bit generic but the choice of scenes is perfect)

Anime: Revue Starlight (2017) 8/10

This twelve episode ensemble Anime goes against type for my usual picks and there will be more unusual choices coming up. It’s about theatre girls who join a magical girl tournament. Its weakness lies in what I like to call „final fantasy dialogue“, when japanese-written characters just kind of say empty words instead of addressing each other or the issue at hand. „I will end all hope for Humanity.“ „No, Shinophoroph, you can’t defeat us because I believe in my friends and the heart of my friends is the real meaning of hope.“ That’s nothing. Sorry, Kingdom Hearts fans.

If you are vaguely like me, here is some context knowledge that may help your experience with Revue Starlight. If you think you are unlike me, just don’t highlight the following text:

I really, actually like Revue Starlight a lot though. I got teary-eyed throughout the day-segments. I liked basically all the characters. It used its ensemble cast well, especially Banana. There’s gay tension from minute one for literally every one of them and it’s not mild. Just a basic observation: In vast swathes of Anime, they seem to avoid letting people touch because it’s more work for the animators. These girls touch all the time and it feels more real and relatable to me.

If you would only watch 1 anime in your life, this is not the one to go for. If you will watch 15? Sure, this can be one of them. (I even changed my phone’s alarm tone to the giraffe.)

Anime: Gundam Witch 10/10

I’ve written about it at length. I stand by my assessment: 10/10

TV: Ted Lasso 10/10

Yeah this is another surprise counter-pick, but again: It hits every goal it set out to reach and it doesn’t make mistakes. I would dare say, this is this generation’s Scrubs – a show that barely ever shows the thing it’s about, but that was clearly made by and with people who understand the subject matter and the people who deal with it very much. The show is complete, it’s probably the easiest watch on this entire list. Unless you are an enjoyer of football, in which case I’ve been told there’s not enough actual football matches in it. That’s not what it’s about.

Also, as usual, we presume that you’re not getting this through apple TV or whatever bullshit service is necessary. If you would have to specifically pay to watch this, obviously don’t bother.

Movie: Pride (2014) 9/10

Original pitch: A historical film about a Lesbian/Gay group who, in 1984, helped raise money for the miners striking against Thatcher. Easy pick for movie night, right??

Movie: Hellboy 2 (2008) 8/10

Everyone knows that Hellboy 1 is a good movie. But I somehow thought that the second one would not be. Turns out I was wrong. It came out just before the Marvelization of everything and it still fully understands the stories it is based on. It’s about the team pushing and pulling each other as the driving force of the movie. And man, there are SO MANY puppets and practical effects, they clearly did their best. This is what comic book movies could have been.

Book: Yumi & the Nightmare Painter 9/10

Everyone who has read Brandon Sanderson’s Secret Projects basically agrees: Book 1 and 3 (Yumi) are the great ones. These are readable stand-alone and it would be a really funny way to start your journey into this author’s works. He doesn’t cite Ranma 1/2 as an inspiration for the book, but I will claim that it’s there the whole time.

Book: Foreskin’s Lament 8/10

This is what I would call a jewish complaint novel. It’s a very autobiographical, probably not exaggerated but very funny and easy to read account of Shalom Auslander’s relationship to his family and youth and what didn’t work out. This short story even read by him is not in the book, but I love it and I think it’s fantastic.


I read about two dozen books and won’t list all of them here because most just don’t warrant inclusion. Like, how interesting would be 10 versions of „Andy Weir’s Artemis is a 5/10. A book without stakes but also without anything terrible in it. You really can’t get me interested in your plot if the worst-case scenario would be that the libertarian utopia could be turned into a corporatocracy and the protagonist could just not participate if she chose to.“ or „The widely beloved Murderbot series didn’t resonate with me at all because on one hand the protagonist was way too humanized and not bot-ish at all, while the writing kept introducing massive amounts of barely distinct characters only to immediately drop them again.“ or „The five Long Earth books by primarily Steven Baxter and very minorly Terry Pratchett are sadly written less competently than my own fiction and beyond the interesting premise are a complete waste of time (that I nonetheless went through to write this sentence authoritatively).“ This isn’t supposed to be a checklist of things I read and have nothing particularly insightful to say about.

But hey, there was also a GENUINELY BAD book and it’s always fun to hear that gossip, right?

Andreas Eschbach was one of my top 3 authors a decade ago. He has landed on my shit list by writing NSA: Nationales SicherheitsAmt, a novel about „what if computers had been invented 100 years earlier and the nazis already had them?“ Cool scary premise! Except one of his protagonists is an unrepentant rapist who joins the nazis just so he can do more of that. Half of the book is about his pursuit and often detailed descriptions of what he does to women. The book never comes to any interesting point except „man it would really suck if technology we have today fell into the hands of some REALLY BAD people and governments, wouldn’t it??“ yeah, except that’s already happening Andreas, sorry to tell you. You’re not really writing science fiction or saying anything insightful with this. And the nazi rapist never stops. The book ends with the most distasteful bad end for all characters I could imagine. I would spoil it just to get your mind over it, but even vaguely describing the content warnings necessary to talk about it would break a layer of trust with my readers who expect to not suddenly experience graphic content.

I think it’s violence against the readers to put SO MUCH boundary-breaking content of an unexpected and unwarned type in a novel. Who is going to enjoy all of this? NSA is a 2/10 (To be a 1, it would need to also fund a bad cause or be genuinely bad prose on a sentence-level, which is the only thing I can’t pin on it). Eschbach’s position on my shit list was calcified when I gave him a chance to redeem himself with the next book and 1 hour into it, someone proposed „yeah I can help heal your husband, female protagonist. You just have to let me have sex with you.“ Ughhh. I don’t know, he didn’t use to write like that.

This piece is called „hope“.
All pictures of me are in a state of maximum tiredness, taken at 1 AM.

2. Things I did personally

I’ve been in the organizing team of a small, local queer group that has put on a few events so far. Each of us spent probably at least 200 hours on this, this year. Very notably, we managed to move to a new location in an empty factory mostly inhabited by artists and put in furniture, turned rooms filled with garbage into livable spaces. Above are some pictures – we had around 100 visitors but I tried taking photos without revealing guest identities on them.

Roleplay stuff

In the wake of that first project, I founded a new RPG group using that location. (Side-bar: I’m having surprisingly big success with the app Lex, which is actually effective at contacting real people who expect exchanging actual words, instead of… I truly don’t know what the meta is on every other app of its kind. This is where I found most of our members.) We are a coincidentally wildly international team, with me as the only german member. This year we played SODALITAS, Wishless, The Quiet Year, Archive Delve, Hometown Qwest, Monster of the Week and even a campaign of Beam Saber for which I made a bunch of play tokens. I am hand-drawing a full-size copy of Fall of Magic for next year.

On that note, I got to participate in another big bundle project. Over 1000 people downloaded my self-written game Archive Delve in its wake, which is a huge record for me. I primarily made my own little RPGs for the purpose of having something valuable to add to bundles like this, and it feels like this is working out.

I also went to Leipzig Buchmesse with friends. I met both other Ninth House cosplayers present (there were ca. 65 000 people on each of the days).

Related to that travel story, this year is the first time I took pills against travel sickness and got to find out what it’s like to drive without car sickness. I genuinely had no opinion on car journeys previously because all I knew about them was „ah that’s the time I feel on the verge of throwing up for hours on end.“ This was one of those things where all my family members just told me I’d grow out of it and presumed that subjecting me to the experience would harden me or something. It did not, I still get exactly as carsick in my thirties as I did as a six year old. So it turns out, once you take a single cheap pill, long car rides are just „sitting in a room“? Yeah I’m great at that. I do that all the time. My new opinion of car rides is: Sure why not.


I can’t share much of the results, but behind the scenes I’ve been working on Calazcon, the massive RPG podcast project with 30 players, as one of the editors, since we started in spring. As I write this we are about 2/3 through recordings. Due to the incredible dependencies, nothing will be released until everything is finished and ready. I have already spent so, so many hours looking at screens that look like the one above to create some really tight edits and I can not wait to let others also experience the results of this work. The scale of this project is, for good reason, something that is usually not attempted. But we’re doing it.

3. The End of the Twitter era

By the start of 2023, we had an inkling that twitter would maybe not survive the year and started keeping an eye on it. By like summer-fall, none of us were left using it. Due to the nature of time, most people probably already don’t care about twitter anymore, but this post is meant as an archive of what happened. I have tried to reduce linking to twitter in this article, because we just aren’t sure what will come of it in the near or medium future. But for some things it is still the primary source, and for the silly links coming later I would rather show you a twitter-host (with a risk of the link becoming useless) than link to tiktok.

I am sorry to report that this train and military enthusiast (Premium account) was saddened when dril turned against him

„cis is now a slur“

@HamletEJ Predicted Elon Musk’s transphobia heel turn, then showed the receipts exactly 1 year later.

Early in the year I joked „you have run out of good tweets. you now have to read some godawful tweets to continue“. They then implemented that. Except they didn’t, it was just a full-on lie. This was a high/lowlight of many. Like, imagine how desperate you have to be that you hide your failure behind the fake implementation of a feature so fucking shit that it would make basically anyone quit if it were real.

At one point, it became impossible to control whose tweets you were seeing altogether and you got fed either completely random shit from any point in time or twitter premium subscribers, in a random combination.

it's real
Can you even tell if this is a joke or if it really happened?

If you are either reading this in the far future or you’re from a different corner of the internet and caring about twitter seems unrelatable, Ryan Broderick has put the draw, as it existed for me at least, in words:

I decided against documenting every little step that led us here. As I write this, the phrase „X, previously known as Twitter“ is being used all the time and I refuse to participate in that. I know nobody who posts there for fun anymore, not even famous people. Some post links to their newest thing, then leave again. There is no real replacement.

In this same year, we basically ALSO lost reddit to mismanagement. It’s a less notable effect for me because it’s not a social network in the direct sense that we usually think of and basically nobody in my social circles besides me went there regularly. But reddit was one of the few more-than-less trustworthy places for more-than-less independent opinions on things.

As almost every savvy user left the site this summer in exchange for returning to private, less googleable spaces like discords, I expect that this purpose will be much less served and your google results will become even worse in the foreseeable future (besides all the other things causing that).

4. Worthwhile Internet stuff

If you embed too many youtubes in a single post, it becomes REALLY hard to load. So uhh, sorry this will mostly be links and you will have to experience them for yourself. All of these are at least medium length and are in some way „valuable“ things I encountered this year. You’re already here, so why not take some extra time to comb through everything? I try not to link to only super-obvious choices. „Have you heard of this hbomberguy?“ and instead point in various directions.


Geowizard: How NOT to travel America

Jet Lag: Tag Across Europe 2

Kitboga: Scammers vs the Impossible Password Game

Kitboga: Trapping 200 Scammers in an impossible Maze

Louis Cole appearing live with Vulf (just this song, really)

Geno7: The Bizarre Music and Sound Design of Wario Land 4 (My favorite section is the 18m25 section)

Jacob Geller: Games that Don’t Fake the Space featuring, at 15m, a section about my beloved NaissanceE.

Kane Pixels: Beneath The Earth Kane is one of the youngest people putting out some of the most impressive-looking work at incredible production speeds.

This year saw the release of MyHouse.WAD which basically everyone agrees is the best Doom (1993) fan map out there now. This video by Power Pak is probably the best second-hand way to experience it. But if you have ever installed a doom mod, maybe just google it and play it blind first because it’s genuinely a ride.


This year was very good for Taskmaster. Here are some of my favorite individual moments from the year

Make a Mess and clean it up. Everyone does it by tossing shit on the ground. Except for Catherine Ryan who does this.

Record the highest number on this pedometer. Specifically the final contestant, Bridget Christie

One person has to yell; one person has to smile and shake head the whole time. Their bodies are covered in tasks.

Prize Task

15×5 This whole episode.


As usual: The recommended format for listening to podcasts is on yer fackin phone! and there is no technology to make a URL go to one of ?? different apps and open a podcast/episode. So if any of these links convince you and you agree that you don’t want to listen to this in your browser like a weirdo, you’ll have to manually type it in.

Friends at the Table: Road to Palisade 16 Listenable as a standalone. they pretend to be Pod Save America in scifi future, a team of pundits who think they are center left but who are actually center right. They share their vapid opinions on various current politics issues and say basically nothing about it while revealing a lot about themselves. It’s incredible as a work of improv too.

A More Civilized Age continues. „We need to record this week! I’m actually losing it. We are all going to piss and shit on this podcast.“ „I’m pissing and screaming and scrommeting.“

99% Invisible #550: Melanie Speaks

This American Life #815: How I Learned To Shave TAL is always quite good, this is a stand-out of this year though.

I could have chosen anything as a picture header for this category and I took a screenshot of more words because they were very funny to me. Listen if you want more funny pictures, you can dip into the final category for a while!

Various Blogs:

Blog titles can never sell you on what’s in there. Just give these a chance, no matter the name. This is the cream of the crop, I read about 200x more than these and this is what I found most notable.

Sullivan: On Yoda, Ironic Memes, and the End of Lore

Duncan Sabien: Social Dark Matter

Rob Sheridan: The Dancing Baby was kinda my fault

Telescopic Turnip: A brief explainer of Sexual dimorphism

Skunk Ledger, written by author BLAP, has been added to my RSS this year. Some of BLAPs most convincing works are Superrational and My Opening Speech.

@maxnichols and Nicole Carpenter (Polygon) about the history of the Zelda cartoon.
besides everything in here, I would like to point out that the writer of the Zelda cartoon which came out just before I was born, who was ridiculously too young at the time, is FIFTY YEARS OLD now. That’s my personal „I am turning into dust from realizing it“ thing.

Astral Codex Ten

If you don’t know what this is, here’s my explainer post from last year. I continue to enjoy Scott’s writing and here are some of those articles. The first two are fiction and work very well for me.

Hardball Questions For The Next Debate This is the funniest thing I read all year.

Turing Test

Grading my 2018 Predictions for 2023 In addition to its content, this is also an interesting meta-look-back in tune with this post.

Kelly Bets on Civilization „‚yes, but you are Osama bin Laden, and this is a supervirus lab.‘ You don’t have to give every company trying to build the Torment Nexus a free pass“

Raise your Threshold for Accusing People of Faking Bisexuality

In Defense of Describable Dating Preferences Hana is the funniest character 2023

My Left Kidney

5. Progress of Al stuff

Over the last 3 years, we’ve kept an eye on how image and text transformers moved along. During a time when image generation still put out barely identifiable blobs, we tinkered with it. The field has lost a lot of its luster since then, and I much preferred when it was weird blobs to be honest. So, this isn’t an endorsement of Al art or whatever: We’re putting this here as a benchmark of a point in time, to be compared to the past and future.

prompt: flow chart on how to end the world
prompt: recording of the fake moon landing (requested almost exactly 2 years later)
prompt: fresh machine beast skeleton
Prompt: Joe Biden as Louis XVI

I’m not naming the engines by their correct names to avoid attracting the bots (who always flock to this kind of stuff in annoying waves) but some notable points were achieved by Midj, which managed to write an ALMOST correct sign and also recreated a basically 100% accurate coke glass.

prompt: A refreshing glass of coca cola

They still all struggle with writing in general, as they have no separate subroutine that helps them to distinguish the letters from any other part of the picture or to understand words as units of meaning. I imagine the Coke logo simply has so many examples that all look exactly 100% like this that it wasn’t even being perceived as writing, but as a necessary part of the picture. As required as the ice cubes and the little droplets. At which point it’s easy to not write Cooc Colla or whatever it would usually come up with.

Harry Potter in Balenciaga. This is made by simply combining 3 rather easily accessible tools and some patience. I am very interested in seeing how badly these age. Just as a reminder of how this felt on the day it came out: I thought it had several quite funny lines, though the joke was never really successfully repeated even by the same creator in subsequent releases.

Viral Selfies of History is a great example of the boringly default, standard and nonfunny outputs that GPT created at the time (the tweet texts) together with pictures that are incorrect and not fulfilling, but we can already see: Without much innovation, just by making existing technology go harder, the lens will probably get much sharper in short time.

The below picture uses a workaround called DAN that (until it was fixed by engineers) allowed GPT to say the wildest takes. They just calmed the AI’s nerves by first letting it get the boring answer that it knows it’s supposed to give out of its system, after which DAN could go wild.

How far along are LLMs? Well, they are currently still pretty bad at basic competency needed to become dangerous. self-replicating or manipulating humans is out the window currently. But just the jump from GPT-4 solved three more tasks than its predecessor. Progress comes in strides. The labor issues that everyone else is worried about seem like a foregone conclusion to me. But keeping an eye on items like the ones ARC Evals looks at? Yeah maybe don’t forget about that.

6. Just a collection of silly bullshit

Things here are short, or comedy-related, or in general demand less attention than the first link category. This may seem below the recognition line for „is this really what the year was about?“ right now, but please consider that I’m taking a slightly longer-term perspective. Imagine looking at this in 5 years (and, hopefully, not 80% of the links are dead by then). Be reminded of how these moments felt based on the jokes and the little culture bits we made.

Thought Slime: The boom-bust cycle (15 sec)

WayneRadioTV experience „Genius VS Antichrist“ (volume warning), something that can only be described as: A video games. This is long, but if you have the time, you are IN FOR A RIDE.

Gus Johnson conjures up an extremely real man

2023 has been the year of vershlemisburging tbh

Neil Cicierega: The George Lucas Eggsperience

Tom Cardy: Level Clear!

Redlettermedia completely lose the meaning of words or anything at all

Reddit: u/lorkeetv Maxwell experiences rotating rat for Valentine

Vinny Vinesauce meets the worst zelda character and obliterates his voice

Vinny’s Interview with David Lynch (5 seconds)

Spookybuttons‘ story of being a therapist who just really understands the autists

Vinny plays custom Mario Kart Wii

Chris Fleming has a new thing to think about to not get tuned on too much.

Tiktoker Unknowndazza Frodrick

We were also in love with a Frodrick of our own:

Me: This. Is Audible.

anonymous redditor: TIFU By Telling my parents I was gay to avoid their arranged marriage proposals [update]

Tiktoker boxcarpizza would like to pick up a piano

Tiktoker Imjarons being a terrible little gremlin. But! Do Not Make Him Angry.

TikTok (a mass of users, starting with Johnson_fran) ask: Can we stop dueting videos when we have absolutely nothing to add to them?

@TomStheVoice reminds us of one of the hardest-hitting scenes in LotR: The Two Towers

Tenth birthday of the New Yorker story Guy Walks Into A Bar

Twentieth birthday of this advertisement for Yoghurt

„If you’re around 40 and you still think a magpie is interesting, that should be a a bigger concern“

New Poll Results from @catturd2

French satire show Groland: You used to be a girl?

Taskmaster: In a regulation manner

bobacupcake on itch: Really Cool Bird fights in Undertale. Uhh, this will not make sense if you’re not through with that game.

ZDF Magazin Royale does investigative journalism (30s clip, subtitles available)

Me, thinking alone: „Porn actors are the spiders George of sex“

Me, comparing ACDC and KISS

drmoonpants I’m afraid not, detective

That time Jordan Peterson retweeted milking porn (nsfw, but not majorly nsfw) in the belief that the end times were near

Eloeverything is a website where you can help give a chess ranking for any thing against any other thing. For example, rate Adolf Hitler vs. Charlie Sheen. Or Vaginal Flatulence vs. Cloud Strife. Or Homestuck vs. the city of Cairo. Or Vomiting vs. Ayn Rand.

Tumblr user Elfgrunge learns about real life Cocaine Bear

Reddit: u/jewishatheistwizard provides an antimeme for Joker 2

Reddit: u/mac_is_crack Baby fox Kestryl meets the other foxes

This maneuver had been popularized a few years ago. It’s just documented here because it still happens and it still works.

@Dustinkcouch: I love new twitter

@flughey wiggles his gay little legs

@paulisci provides a List of Things People Blamed on Short Skirts

@leyawn about lie bot

@CrypticJacknife discusses early Zelda TOTK speedrun strats

@mcapriglioneart captures the key problem of cat-human communication: They WANT.

@JoshuaPHill asks: Did a boat write this?

@burgerkrang is our one mention of the billionaire submarine thing

@SnuffyMcSnuff made this comic-format Stardew Valley fanfiction

@Dustinkcouch: the internet sucks now

@Vahn16 points out Speak Animals in Baldur’s Gate 3

@ToastCrunch reports on this mangaka writing the self-insert of all time.

This is the year of new Zelda. One of my favorite trends was „guys insisting that programming this game was both EASY AS SHIT and also wasn’t well-done“

VideogameDunkey invents his own Zelda machines

@bran8bit settles for making music

„insert a thermometer into your TV and watch all channels in the world“ / „just add superglue to the LED bulb. The results will excite you!“

I made this infographic overlay for: What if there was Gun in pokemon? (Red: would have a bad time. Green: Would be fine. Orange: Uncertain/Arguable). Original art here.

Also: My Infographic for the sliding scale of what counts as a mech

This is the year in which Bigolas Dickolas made the Time War book famous (which I read before that btw. Interesting but I’m not the audience to give it a rating) and then immediately got milkshake ducked.

The Hamilton Musical joined Roblox. Here are some opinions from Friends at the Table fan discord:

sexchange.tbt on Instagram ran a bracket for the Most Transgender Name (winner gets a funny hat).

The eventual winner was: Lillith!

heavily armed police protecting the massive Lützerath digging machines from protestors in the middle of the night
„Contextualize the following photo historically. Discuss the political backgrounds regarding the failure of the climate protection movement around the start of the 21st century. (10 pts)“

And we’re closing with the QUIZ section of this year in review: Without looking anything up, please fill out on your provided form what the heck this is about.

Written by vetaro

16. Dezember 2023 um 10:33 pm

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